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СОУС (SAUCE) – South Ukrainian Culture – the web-site about culture of the South of Ukraine (Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa regions, and when the project started, including Crimea also). When we say «culture», we mean both professional art and an unrestrained stream of people’s creativity. The site is a virtual platform for exchange of information about events in different spheres of culture, presentations of independent and group projects, generation of new ideas and discussions.


The web-site is opened for participation of any creative groups (both formal and non-formal) and for all authors who work in any genre presented on the web-site (or simply interested in cultural events). It is possible to add your art-works (images, videos, audio, texts) to the proper sections with the description of idea/conception, and also to participate in discussions. Authors can appeal for comments or review to the experts – Ukrainian and foreign ones.


And finally – why SAUCE? Certainly the sauce is not main dish, which is an economy, policy, et cetera in our analogy. But at the same time the sauce is one of major ingredients in cooking. The sauce creates and regulates a taste of food. Culture does exactly the same making our life tasty. Culture is taste of life, and that’s all.

© 2014 Centre of cultural development "Тотем".

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