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Dream Gogolfest / Visual program


In 2020 for the first time Kherson became the site of the largest festival of contemporary art in Ukraine – Gogolfest. This international multidisciplinary festival presented a number of programs: theatre, music, education, visual, performance.  All programs intersect each other; this creative freedom and interaction at the junction of disciplines forces unique culture products that have no analogues in Ukraine.  The theme of the festival was DREAM in both meanings of this word. The organizers of the festival decided to remind the people of Kherson about advantages of dreams for the personality and the city, and by this way wake up Kherson and its citizens from sleep.


“Revival of legend: development and uniting”


The project realizes complex approach to the creation of cultural landscape and conditions for revitalization of objects of historical, cultural, architectural heritage, which are located in rural areas of Kherson oblast.


«New breath of culture: fill heritage with life of arts”


The project was realized in 2012-2013 within the framework of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme funded by the European Union. We worked for the South of Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. The project was directed to support and share the best innovative cultural and creative practices on the basis of traditional cultural institutions – museums of all levels (district, regional, national).

We involved into cooperation nearly 200 public organizations, creative unions, formal and non-formal creative groups, authors and curators, and more than 70 museums, which opened their doors to new initiatives in order to bring a new life to their activities, to attract new audience, to become more open and more attractive for wide public.


Culture Map of Kherson


Culture Map is research of cultural situation in a city. Before 2012 in Ukraine Culture Map was made only in one city – Lviv. In 2013 it was created for 7 cities of Ukraine, among which was Kherson. The TOTEM Kherson Center of Youth Initiatives organized the process of creation of cultural map, which is made by efforts of numerous partners and with support of the European Cultural Foundation, the Center for Culture Management (Lviv) and the Kherson city Center of social services for families, children and young people.


Alternative Art Guide Book for Kherson


In 2011 the European Culture Foundation, Ukrainian Network of Culture, “Center for Cultural Management” NGO (Lviv, Ukraine) offered to Ukraine to create art guide books in 7 cities on competitive base. Kyiv, Donetsk, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Ivano-Frankovsk and Kherson became the cities-winners.

The TOTEM Center of Youth Initiatives created an art guide book for Kherson. Over 50 authors contributed filling it with the content donating pictures, illustrations and texts.

It is not an ordinary guide book. It is an alphabet for those who want to understand the secret of a special charm of Kherson.


© 2014 Centre of cultural development "Тотем".

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